Saddle fit is critical for your horse’s well-being, comfort, development, and movement, as well as rider balance and efficacy. It is your most important piece of equipment.
Virtual Fit Assistance
Not sure which saddle is a good option for your horse? Not sure what size seat or flap will work for you? No worries! I am happy to help! While it is always best practice to have an independent, qualified saddle fitter come do an in-person evaluation, I would be happy to help you choose an option that will be a good one to try! I am also glad to look at photos of the saddle on your horse once you have received it.
If you would like assistance, please take the following views of your horse and email them to rebecca@goldfinchfinetack.com or send them through the Facebook Messenger app on the Goldfinch Fine Tack Facebook business page.

Please make sure your horse is standing square on a level surface. The horse’s head should be in a neutral position (not grazing). The views from the side need to not be angled, and it is recommended that you have an assistant hold the horse to help keep the horse’s feet square. Please pull the horse out of cross ties as most aisles are not wide enough to get a square-on photo. The square view from the back shows the spine and both shoulders. The view should be looking forward and not down on the back. Please make sure the horse is looking forward for all views. As long as your horse will safely allow you to do this, I recommend taking the photos from the back directly against the horse’s hindquarters with your camera held above. I do not recommend standing on a stool as it will create a down-facing view instead of a forward-facing view. The angled views help show the steepness of the withers, so please try to match the photos, view for view, as I will best be able to help you! Please let me know your horse’s age, level of fitness, and if you expect the horse to develop more muscle or weight.
Please indicate the rider’s height and size in breeches. A photo of the rider in a saddle with their stirrups adjusted to their preferred length is also helpful. A short video of the rider can also be sent via Facebook Messenger or email.
Saddle Fit Photo Guide
Please indicate the rider’s height and size in breeches. A photo of the rider in a saddle with their stirrups adjusted to their preferred length is also helpful. A short video of the rider can also be sent via Facebook Messenger or email.
Once you have received the saddle, please take photos of the views shown as an example here. They should be taken girthed up on the horse without pads. Photos of the rider in the saddle are also helpful, as well as videos of the horse at the trot and canter. Please use a square pad to try the saddle as well as any applicable saddle pads. Please note that when trying new saddles, the length of the stirrups may need to be adjusted slightly.